1·We are the champions forever!
2·We are the champions, my friends.
3·Manchester United, We Are The Champions!
4·The pressure is on us because we are the champions.
5·I asked Obiorah what happened and he could only answer, "we are the champions."
6·I asked Obiorah what happened and he could only answer, 'we are the champions.'
7·The performers danced to the song "We Are the Champions" and ended with a salute to the athletes.
8·WAILING an awful rendition of "We are the Champions" into his radio, Jenson Button drove to fifth place in the Brazilian Grand Prix on October 18th.
震耳欲聋的高声尖叫“我们拿下总冠军!”传入英国车手Jenson Button的无线电耳机内,他在十月十八日巴西大奖赛得到第五名。
9·To while away the time as they crossed the sleeping Chilterns, they also listened to William Byrd's "We Are the Champions" and Beethoven's "I Want to Break Free."
10·Before the results were announced, Lambert and Allen had a moment of musical camaraderie: They joined together with Queen on the rock anthem "we Are the Champions."
在结果公布之前,兰伯特和艾伦与皇后乐队共同演唱了We Are the Champions。